
Dahomey (17:30, Cinema ZED)

Zondag 28 april, 17:30
Cinema ZED Vesalius, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 9c, 3000 Leuven

Mati Diop / Senegal, Benin, Frankrijk / 2023 / 66min 
Cast: Gildas Adannou, Habib Ahandessi, Joséa Guedje
VO: French  
ST: Dutch

November 2021. 26 royal treasures of the Kingdom of Dahomey are about to leave Paris to return to their country of origin, present-day Benin. In 1892, thousands of these artefacts were looted by French colonial troops. How should the country relate to these artefacts, their grandparents, returning to a country that had to move forward without them for centuries? The debate flares up among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

French-Senegalese director Mati Diop creates a short but powerful hybrid documentary that not only questions the role of looted art but also shines a new light on the obfuscations of colonial history and its injustices. 

Diop succeeds artistically in reflecting the demands of a new, critical, generation.

Dahomey won the Golden Bear at the Berlinale 2024.

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Dahomey (17:30, Cinema ZED)


Zondag 28 april, 17:30
Cinema ZED Vesalius, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 9c, 3000 Leuven

Mati Diop / Senegal, Benin, Frankrijk / 2023 / 66min 
Cast: Gildas Adannou, Habib Ahandessi, Joséa Guedje
VO: French  
ST: Dutch

November 2021. 26 royal treasures of the Kingdom of Dahomey are about to leave Paris to return to their country of origin, present-day Benin. In 1892, thousands of these artefacts were looted by French colonial troops. How should the country relate to these artefacts, their grandparents, returning to a country that had to move forward without them for centuries? The debate flares up among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

French-Senegalese director Mati Diop creates a short but powerful hybrid documentary that not only questions the role of looted art but also shines a new light on the obfuscations of colonial history and its injustices. 

Diop succeeds artistically in reflecting the demands of a new, critical, generation.

Dahomey won the Golden Bear at the Berlinale 2024.

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Dahomey (17:30, Cinema ZED)

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Zondag 28 april, 17:30
Cinema ZED Vesalius, Andreas Vesaliusstraat 9c, 3000 Leuven

Mati Diop / Senegal, Benin, Frankrijk / 2023 / 66min 
Cast: Gildas Adannou, Habib Ahandessi, Joséa Guedje
VO: French  
ST: Dutch

November 2021. 26 royal treasures of the Kingdom of Dahomey are about to leave Paris to return to their country of origin, present-day Benin. In 1892, thousands of these artefacts were looted by French colonial troops. How should the country relate to these artefacts, their grandparents, returning to a country that had to move forward without them for centuries? The debate flares up among students at the University of Abomey-Calavi.

French-Senegalese director Mati Diop creates a short but powerful hybrid documentary that not only questions the role of looted art but also shines a new light on the obfuscations of colonial history and its injustices. 

Diop succeeds artistically in reflecting the demands of a new, critical, generation.

Dahomey won the Golden Bear at the Berlinale 2024.

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