
YAFMA Docu 2 (16:30, M Leuven)

Sunday 21 April, 16:30
M Leuven, Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven

Kantarama Gahigiri, Kenya, Switzerland, 2023, 10 min.
Cast: Cheryl Isheja
VO: Swahili, English. ST: English
There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earths. An angry appeal to the world to take responsibility for the consequences of capitalism, colonialism and environmental destruction in Africa.

Sana Al Habib, Tunesië, 2023, 5 min.
VO: English. ST: French
The film explores Sahar's turbulent inner journey as she battles anxiety and depression, unravelling hidden truths and the intricate link between her mental health and life itself.

Engelbert Phiri & Zinzi Nkenene, Zuid-Afrika, 2023, 21 min.
VO: Afrikaans, ST: English
The film tells the story of three farmers wives that founded “a miracle in the desert”: an educational and development project situated east of Colesberg in the Great Karoo catering to; town’s people, farm workers’ children, and those of the once semi-nomadic Karretjie Mense (Donkey Cart People).

Adrian Madikisa, Wonga Lucas, 2023, Zuid-Afrika, 11 min.
Cast: Mandilakhe Ikhaya
VO: English, Xhosa. ST: English
Mandilakhe has to move to the overcrowded informal settlement in Hout Bay, Cape Town, after the death of his grandmother. Throughout the film, we are confronted by the challenges he faces on a daily basis in a society precariously built on unequal opportunities. 

Laurino Raoelijaona Gourio, Madagaskar, 2023, 10 min.
VO: Malagassisch. ST: English
This film evokes the major dilemma that the indigenous Mikea populations in Madagascar face today. To resist or not to the attractions of modernity and the cultural concessions it imposes?


About YAFMA 

10th edition of YAFMA's short film competition! The annual Guido Huysmans Young African Film Makers Award (YAFMA) supports new African talent. The competition aims to keep its finger on the pulse with stories by young filmmakers from Africa. Guido Huysmans, co-founder of AFF, died in the summer of 2014 after travelling through Africa, where he was looking precisely for these young filmmakers. From more than 2,000 submissions, 20 short films were selected. They will be screened at M Leuven. 

Saturday 20 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 1 - 2 pm 
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 1 - 16h30
Sunday 21 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 2 - 2 p.m.
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 2 - 4.30pm
Awards ceremony at the Awards Night on Saturday 27 April, 7.30pm (Cinema ZED). To celebrate YAFMA's 10th edition, the AFF management will present an extra festival award in addition to the jury prizes.

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YAFMA Docu 2 (16:30, M Leuven)


Sunday 21 April, 16:30
M Leuven, Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven

Kantarama Gahigiri, Kenya, Switzerland, 2023, 10 min.
Cast: Cheryl Isheja
VO: Swahili, English. ST: English
There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earths. An angry appeal to the world to take responsibility for the consequences of capitalism, colonialism and environmental destruction in Africa.

Sana Al Habib, Tunesië, 2023, 5 min.
VO: English. ST: French
The film explores Sahar's turbulent inner journey as she battles anxiety and depression, unravelling hidden truths and the intricate link between her mental health and life itself.

Engelbert Phiri & Zinzi Nkenene, Zuid-Afrika, 2023, 21 min.
VO: Afrikaans, ST: English
The film tells the story of three farmers wives that founded “a miracle in the desert”: an educational and development project situated east of Colesberg in the Great Karoo catering to; town’s people, farm workers’ children, and those of the once semi-nomadic Karretjie Mense (Donkey Cart People).

Adrian Madikisa, Wonga Lucas, 2023, Zuid-Afrika, 11 min.
Cast: Mandilakhe Ikhaya
VO: English, Xhosa. ST: English
Mandilakhe has to move to the overcrowded informal settlement in Hout Bay, Cape Town, after the death of his grandmother. Throughout the film, we are confronted by the challenges he faces on a daily basis in a society precariously built on unequal opportunities. 

Laurino Raoelijaona Gourio, Madagaskar, 2023, 10 min.
VO: Malagassisch. ST: English
This film evokes the major dilemma that the indigenous Mikea populations in Madagascar face today. To resist or not to the attractions of modernity and the cultural concessions it imposes?


About YAFMA 

10th edition of YAFMA's short film competition! The annual Guido Huysmans Young African Film Makers Award (YAFMA) supports new African talent. The competition aims to keep its finger on the pulse with stories by young filmmakers from Africa. Guido Huysmans, co-founder of AFF, died in the summer of 2014 after travelling through Africa, where he was looking precisely for these young filmmakers. From more than 2,000 submissions, 20 short films were selected. They will be screened at M Leuven. 

Saturday 20 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 1 - 2 pm 
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 1 - 16h30
Sunday 21 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 2 - 2 p.m.
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 2 - 4.30pm
Awards ceremony at the Awards Night on Saturday 27 April, 7.30pm (Cinema ZED). To celebrate YAFMA's 10th edition, the AFF management will present an extra festival award in addition to the jury prizes.

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YAFMA Docu 2 (16:30, M Leuven)

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Sunday 21 April, 16:30
M Leuven, Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28, 3000 Leuven

Kantarama Gahigiri, Kenya, Switzerland, 2023, 10 min.
Cast: Cheryl Isheja
VO: Swahili, English. ST: English
There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earths. An angry appeal to the world to take responsibility for the consequences of capitalism, colonialism and environmental destruction in Africa.

Sana Al Habib, Tunesië, 2023, 5 min.
VO: English. ST: French
The film explores Sahar's turbulent inner journey as she battles anxiety and depression, unravelling hidden truths and the intricate link between her mental health and life itself.

Engelbert Phiri & Zinzi Nkenene, Zuid-Afrika, 2023, 21 min.
VO: Afrikaans, ST: English
The film tells the story of three farmers wives that founded “a miracle in the desert”: an educational and development project situated east of Colesberg in the Great Karoo catering to; town’s people, farm workers’ children, and those of the once semi-nomadic Karretjie Mense (Donkey Cart People).

Adrian Madikisa, Wonga Lucas, 2023, Zuid-Afrika, 11 min.
Cast: Mandilakhe Ikhaya
VO: English, Xhosa. ST: English
Mandilakhe has to move to the overcrowded informal settlement in Hout Bay, Cape Town, after the death of his grandmother. Throughout the film, we are confronted by the challenges he faces on a daily basis in a society precariously built on unequal opportunities. 

Laurino Raoelijaona Gourio, Madagaskar, 2023, 10 min.
VO: Malagassisch. ST: English
This film evokes the major dilemma that the indigenous Mikea populations in Madagascar face today. To resist or not to the attractions of modernity and the cultural concessions it imposes?


About YAFMA 

10th edition of YAFMA's short film competition! The annual Guido Huysmans Young African Film Makers Award (YAFMA) supports new African talent. The competition aims to keep its finger on the pulse with stories by young filmmakers from Africa. Guido Huysmans, co-founder of AFF, died in the summer of 2014 after travelling through Africa, where he was looking precisely for these young filmmakers. From more than 2,000 submissions, 20 short films were selected. They will be screened at M Leuven. 

Saturday 20 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 1 - 2 pm 
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 1 - 16h30
Sunday 21 April 
  • YAFMA - Fiction Block 2 - 2 p.m.
  • YAFMA - Documentary Block 2 - 4.30pm
Awards ceremony at the Awards Night on Saturday 27 April, 7.30pm (Cinema ZED). To celebrate YAFMA's 10th edition, the AFF management will present an extra festival award in addition to the jury prizes.

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